I wanted to get this dang surgery over with as fast as possible so that I can be ready to go this summer. So I opted for the first opportunity. Scheduled January 29, 2014 for the fun and party. At the preop visit they took my blood and tested me and questioned and ensured that I was financially healthy. They gave me some stuff that I'm supposed to put in my nose every day and night starting 5 days before surgery. It kills germs. They also gave me some stuff I'm supposed to shower with every day before surgery. It's some kind of antibacterial soap. I'm supposed to take a full normal shower and then rinse off and use this stuff all over from neck down. Get it all over me and then wait 5 minutes and rinse it off.
They also told me to stop taking a drug.
I've been taking this drug called Diclofinac (Voltran) for years. It's an anti-inflammatory. It takes the pain go away and it isn't an opiate. It can kill your kidneys or liver but it works. I've seen a doctor every 4 months while taking it to make sure it isn't messing me up somewhere else. So I was able to handle a bad back for years because I was taking drugs.
So I stopped Diclofinac. And I began to be in pain like I haven't had in years. I didn't realize how good Diclofinac was until they took it away from me. They said I would have to stop it 10 days before surgery. I stopped it and then got the cold and then stopped it longer. I was without my nice pain pill for way too long.
And I got this cold. It was a thing that settled in my lungs and made me cough and cough. They sent me to my regular doc who gave me a whole bunch more drugs and an x-ray and a postponement. Now we're going to have an operation on 02/05.
So I start all over to do it again.
Sometime during the ritual showering and not-drugging the hot water heater in our house went out. There are many things I can do in a house but installing a hot water heater isn't something I trust me with. Don't wanna cause an explosion. So I went to Sears and bought one and they promised to be out tomorrow or Saturday and they would install it. I took a shower at the YMCA.
They didn't come out Friday.
They didn't come out Saturday.
On Monday Sears called me to tell me that they had no one to install it. Ms Donna went to home depot and lowes and home depot and lowes and home depot and lowes and did a deal and somehow got it installed.
I could go back to taking showers at home.
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